Taxi Data

  • Download Chicago taxi dataset in 2019.

import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('Taxi_Trips_-_2019.csv')

  • Process the raw data.

df = pd.DataFrame()
df['Trip Start Timestamp'] = data['Trip Start Timestamp']
df['Trip Seconds'] = data['Trip Seconds']
df['Trip Miles'] = data['Trip Miles']
df['Pickup Community Area'] = data['Pickup Community Area']
df['Dropoff Community Area'] = data['Dropoff Community Area']
del data

df = df.dropna() # Remove rows with NaN
df = df.drop(df[df['Trip Seconds'] == 0].index)
df = df.drop(df[df['Trip Miles'] == 0].index)
df = df.reset_index()
df = df.drop(['index'], axis = 1)
df.to_csv('taxi_trip_2019.csv', index = False)

import numpy as np

print(np.mean(df['Trip Seconds'].values))
print(np.mean(df['Trip Miles'].values))

  • Visualize pickup and dropoff trips.

import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 14

chicago = gpd.read_file("Boundaries_Community_Areas/areas.shp")
pickup_df = df.groupby(['Pickup Community Area']).size().reset_index(name = 'pickup_counts')
dropoff_df = df.groupby(['Dropoff Community Area']).size().reset_index(name = 'dropoff_counts')
pickup_df['area_numbe'] = pickup_df['Pickup Community Area']
dropoff_df['area_numbe'] = dropoff_df['Dropoff Community Area']
chicago['area_numbe'] = chicago.area_numbe.astype(float)

pickup = chicago.set_index('area_numbe').join(pickup_df.set_index('area_numbe')).reset_index()
dropoff = chicago.set_index('area_numbe').join(dropoff_df.set_index('area_numbe')).reset_index()

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (14, 8))
for i in [1, 2]:
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, i)
    if i == 1:
        pickup.plot('pickup_counts', cmap = 'YlOrRd', legend = True,
                    legend_kwds = {'shrink': 0.618, 'label': 'Pickup trip count'},
                    vmin = 0, vmax = 4e+6, ax = ax)
    elif i == 2:
        dropoff.plot('dropoff_counts', cmap = 'YlOrRd', legend = True,
                     legend_kwds = {'shrink': 0.618, 'label': 'Dropoff trip count'},
                     vmin = 0, vmax = 4e+6, ax = ax)
fig.savefig("pickup_dropoff_trips_chicago_2019.png", bbox_inches = "tight")

Ridehailing Data

Since the original dataset is of size 18.07 GB and has 69,109,780 rows, we preprocess the dataset and make it smaller (i.e., rideshare_trip_2022.csv of size 2.93 GB), at least for the future usage.

import pandas as pd

data = pd.DataFrame()
chunksize = 10 ** 7
for chunk in pd.read_csv('Transportation_Network_Providers_-_Trips_-_2022.csv', chunksize = chunksize):
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df['Trip Start Timestamp'] = chunk['Trip Start Timestamp']
    df['Trip Seconds'] = chunk['Trip Seconds']
    df['Trip Miles'] = chunk['Trip Miles']
    df['Pickup Community Area'] = chunk['Pickup Community Area']
    df['Dropoff Community Area'] = chunk['Dropoff Community Area']
    data = data.append(df)
    del df
data.to_csv('rideshare_trip_2022.csv', index = False)

  • Process the raw data.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('rideshare_trip_2022.csv')
df = df.dropna() # Remove rows with NaN
df = df.drop(df[df['Trip Seconds'] == 0].index)
df = df.drop(df[df['Trip Miles'] == 0].index)
df = df.reset_index()
df = df.drop(['index'], axis = 1)

import numpy as np

print(np.mean(df['Trip Seconds'].values))
print(np.mean(df['Trip Miles'].values))
pickup_df = df.groupby(['Pickup Community Area']).size().reset_index(name = 'pickup_counts')
dropoff_df = df.groupby(['Dropoff Community Area']).size().reset_index(name = 'dropoff_counts')

  • Visualize pickup and dropoff trips.

import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 14

chicago = gpd.read_file("Boundaries_Community_Areas/areas.shp")
pickup_df = df.groupby(['Pickup Community Area']).size().reset_index(name = 'pickup_counts')
dropoff_df = df.groupby(['Dropoff Community Area']).size().reset_index(name = 'dropoff_counts')
pickup_df['area_numbe'] = pickup_df['Pickup Community Area']
dropoff_df['area_numbe'] = dropoff_df['Dropoff Community Area']
chicago['area_numbe'] = chicago.area_numbe.astype(float)

pickup = chicago.set_index('area_numbe').join(pickup_df.set_index('area_numbe')).reset_index()
dropoff = chicago.set_index('area_numbe').join(dropoff_df.set_index('area_numbe')).reset_index()

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (14, 8))
for i in [1, 2]:
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, i)
    if i == 1:
        pickup.plot('pickup_counts', cmap = 'YlOrRd', legend = True,
                    legend_kwds = {'shrink': 0.618, 'label': 'Pickup trip count'},
                    vmin = 0, vmax = 1e+7,
                    ax = ax)
    elif i == 2:
        dropoff.plot('dropoff_counts', cmap = 'YlOrRd', legend = True,
                     legend_kwds = {'shrink': 0.618, 'label': 'Dropoff trip count'},
                     vmin = 0, vmax = 1e+7,
                     ax = ax)
fig.savefig("tnp_pickup_dropoff_trips_chicago_2022.png", bbox_inches = "tight")

Since the original dataset is of size 29.61 GB and has 111,850,744 rows, we preprocess the dataset and make it smaller (i.e., rideshare_trip_2019.csv of size 4.74 GB), at least for the future usage.

import pandas as pd

data = pd.DataFrame()
chunksize = 10 ** 7
for chunk in pd.read_csv('Transportation_Network_Providers_-_Trips_-_2019.csv', chunksize = chunksize):
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df['Trip Start Timestamp'] = chunk['Trip Start Timestamp']
    df['Trip Seconds'] = chunk['Trip Seconds']
    df['Trip Miles'] = chunk['Trip Miles']
    df['Pickup Community Area'] = chunk['Pickup Community Area']
    df['Dropoff Community Area'] = chunk['Dropoff Community Area']
    data = data.append(df)
    del df
data.to_csv('rideshare_trip_2019.csv', index = False)

  • Process the raw data.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('rideshare_trip_2019.csv')
df = df.dropna() # Remove rows with NaN
df = df.drop(df[df['Trip Seconds'] == 0].index)
df = df.drop(df[df['Trip Miles'] == 0].index)
df = df.reset_index()
df = df.drop(['index'], axis = 1)

import numpy as np

print(np.mean(df['Trip Seconds'].values))
print(np.mean(df['Trip Miles'].values))
pickup_df = df.groupby(['Pickup Community Area']).size().reset_index(name = 'pickup_counts')
dropoff_df = df.groupby(['Dropoff Community Area']).size().reset_index(name = 'dropoff_counts')

  • Visualize pickup and dropoff trips.

import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 14

chicago = gpd.read_file("Boundaries_Community_Areas/areas.shp")
pickup_df = df.groupby(['Pickup Community Area']).size().reset_index(name = 'pickup_counts')
dropoff_df = df.groupby(['Dropoff Community Area']).size().reset_index(name = 'dropoff_counts')
pickup_df['area_numbe'] = pickup_df['Pickup Community Area']
dropoff_df['area_numbe'] = dropoff_df['Dropoff Community Area']
chicago['area_numbe'] = chicago.area_numbe.astype(float)

pickup = chicago.set_index('area_numbe').join(pickup_df.set_index('area_numbe')).reset_index()
dropoff = chicago.set_index('area_numbe').join(dropoff_df.set_index('area_numbe')).reset_index()

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (14, 8))
for i in [1, 2]:
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, i)
    if i == 1:
        pickup.plot('pickup_counts', cmap = 'YlOrRd', legend = True,
                    legend_kwds = {'shrink': 0.618, 'label': 'Pickup trip count'},
                    vmin = 0, vmax = 1.8e+7,
                    ax = ax)
    elif i == 2:
        dropoff.plot('dropoff_counts', cmap = 'YlOrRd', legend = True,
                     legend_kwds = {'shrink': 0.618, 'label': 'Dropoff trip count'},
                     vmin = 0, vmax = 1.8e+7,
                     ax = ax)
fig.savefig("tnp_pickup_dropoff_trips_chicago_2019.png", bbox_inches = "tight")