Time Series Convolution (Supplementary Materials)
A convolutional kernel approach for reinforcing the modeling of time series trends and interpreting temporal patterns, allowing one to leverage Fourier transforms and learn sparse representations.
In this post, we intend to explain the essential ideas of our latent research work:
- Xinyu Chen, Zhanhong Cheng, HanQin Cai, Nicolas Saunier, Lijun Sun (2024). Laplacian convolutional representation for traffic time series imputation. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Early Access.
I. Appendix for Imputing Time Series
A. Circulant Matrix Nuclear Norm Minimization
Below is the Python code for reproducing the circulant matrix nuclear norm minimization on partially observed traffic volume data in Portland, USA.
import numpy as np
def compute_mape(var, var_hat):
return np.sum(np.abs(var - var_hat) / var) / var.shape[0]
def compute_rmse(var, var_hat):
return np.sqrt(np.sum((var - var_hat) ** 2) / var.shape[0])
def circ_opt(y_true, y, lmbda, gamma, maxiter = 50, show_iter = 10):
T = y.shape
pos_train = np.where(y != 0)
y_train = y[pos_train]
pos_test = np.where((y_true != 0) & (y == 0))
y_test = y_true[pos_test]
z = y.copy()
w = y.copy()
def y_true, y
for it in range(maxiter):
x = update_x(z, w, lmbda)
z = update_z(y_train, pos_train, x, w, lmbda, gamma)
w = w + lmbda * (x - z)
if (it + 1) % show_iter == 0:
print('Iter: {}'.format(it + 1))
print('MAPE: {:.6}'.format(compute_mape(y_test, x[pos_test])))
print('RMSE: {:.6}'.format(compute_rmse(y_test, x[pos_test])))
return x
B. Hankel Matrix Factorization & Discrete Fourier Transform
Main function:
import numpy as np
def inverse_hankel(w, q, fft = False):
dim1 = w.shape[0]
dim2 = q.shape[0]
dim = min(dim1, dim2)
T = dim1 + dim2 - 1
x_tilde = np.zeros(T)
for t in range(T):
w_new = np.zeros(t + 1)
if t < dim1:
w_new[: t + 1] = w[: t + 1]
elif t >= dim1:
w_new[: dim1] = w
q_new = np.zeros(t + 1)
if t < dim2:
q_new[: t + 1] = q[: t + 1]
elif t >= dim2:
q_new[: dim2] = q
if t < dim:
rho = t + 1
rho = T - (t + 1) + 1
if fft == True:
vec = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(w_new) * np.fft.fft(q_new)).real
x_tilde[t] = vec[t] / rho
elif fft == False:
x_tilde[t] = np.inner(w_new, np.flip(q_new)) / rho
return x_tilde
Experiments on generated data:
import numpy as np
import time
repeat = 100
timing_tensor = np.zeros((9, repeat, 2))
t = 0
for power in range(5, 14, 1):
print('Power = {}'.format(power))
w = np.random.rand(2 ** power)
q = np.random.rand(2 ** power)
for i in range(repeat):
start = time.time() * 1000
x1 = inverse_hankel(w, q, fft = False)
end = time.time() * 1000
timing_tensor[t, i, 0] = end - start
for i in range(repeat):
start = time.time() * 1000
x2 = inverse_hankel(w, q, fft = True)
end = time.time() * 1000
timing_tensor[t, i, 1] = end - start
print('Hx running time: %d milliseconds.'%(timing_tensor[t, i, 0]))
print('Hx-FFT running time: %d milliseconds.'%(timing_tensor[t, i, 1]))
t += 1
Drawing figures to compare empirical time complexity:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 11
plt.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'cm'
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (7.5, 2.5))
for i in [1, 2]:
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, i)
if i == 1:
plt.plot(np.array([2**5, 2**6, 2**7, 2**8, 2**9, 2**10, 2**11, 2**12, 2**13]),
np.mean(timing_tensor[: 9, :, 0], axis = 1) / 1000, '-o', color = 'red', alpha = 0.8)
plt.title('Element-wise multiplication')
elif i == 2:
plt.plot(np.array([2**5, 2**6, 2**7, 2**8, 2**9, 2**10, 2**11, 2**12, 2**13]),
np.mean(timing_tensor[: 9, :, 1], axis = 1) / 1000, '-o', color = 'blue', alpha = 0.8)
plt.title('Circular convolution with FFT')
plt.xlabel(r'Vector length $n$')
plt.ylabel('Time (s)')
labels = [r'$2^{5}$', r'$2^{9}$',
r'$2^{11}$', r'$2^{12}$', r'$2^{13}$']
plt.xticks(np.array([2**5, 2**9, 2**11, 2**12, 2**13]), labels)
ax.tick_params(which = 'minor', direction = 'in')
ax.grid(color = 'gray', linestyle = 'dashed', linewidth = 0.5, alpha = 0.2)
fig.savefig('empirical_time_complexity_hankel.png', bbox_inches = 'tight')
(Posted by Xinyu Chen on August 29, 2024.)