This project aims at supporting research for all aspects of spatiotemporal data modeling with machine learning and addressing many scientific, mathematical, industrial, and engineering problems in:

  • Urban science & smart cities
  • Human mobility modeling
  • Geospatial data analysis
  • Intelligent & sustainable urban systems
  • Optimization & decision making
  • Data standardization & valorization
  • Signal processing
  • Network science
  • Graph computing & learning
  • Causal inference & learning
  • Computational engineering
  • Computational social science

This project presents some spatiotemporal methods with data-driven machine learning:

In the past decade, the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning has been truly remarkable. There are several easy-to-follow posts that are created to explain the essential ideas of this project and inspire innovations:

  • Time Series Convolution. A convolutional kernel approach for reinforcing the modeling of time series trends and interpreting temporal patterns, allowing one to leverage Fourier transforms and learn sparse representations. The interpretable machine learning models such as sparse regression unlock opportunities to better capture the long-term changes and temporal patterns of real-world time series.

To advance the development of spatiotemporal data modeling in the research community, this project handles various spatiotemporal data:

To contribute to the open science, this project provides a series of tutorials for beginners to understand machine learning and data science, including

For those who are interested in broad areas within the scope, we would like to recommend a series of well-documented reading notes.